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Agustus 28, 2020
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Agustus 28, 2020
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English in Health for Nurses and Midwives

Rp 25.000


English in Health for Nurses and Midwives

Pengarang                    : Hasbullah

Ukuran Buku                 : 12 x 19 cm; viii + 115 hlm

Harga                             : Rp. 25.000,-

Tahun                            : 2010

ISBN                               : 978-602-8200-84-4

Materi yang dibahas dalam buku ini meliputi :

▪       How Do You Do ?

▪       Describing Work

▪       Antenatal Care

▪       Arranged Admission

▪       Taking a History

▪       Let Me Check the List

▪       Stomach Trouble

▪       What Are You Going to Do ?

▪       You Look Little Down

▪       Information Service

▪       What Seems to be the Problem

▪       Giving Instructions

▪       Talk on Pregnancy

▪               I’d Like to Get this Prescription Filled

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